News At A Glance
The Antelope Valley Union High School District is committed to preparing our students for college, career, and future success!
No matter the goal or path our students may take, A-G Requirements ensure they are ready for anything! Stay on top of your A-G Requirements by earning a C or better to keep all of your options open!
The Antelope Valley Union High School District’s Career Technical Education (CTE) Department is committed to preparing our students for college and careers through our career academies! CTE academies are small learning communities that offer 9th through 12th grade students the opportunity to gain skills required for college and career readiness, all whilst learning in a 21st century environment.
The Antelope Valley Union High School District is dedicated to providing targeted support to our students through the Multi-Tiered System of Supports framework. Multi-tiered System of Supports, also referred to as MTSS, is a comprehensive approach designed to provide assistance for students based on their individual needs. MTSS focuses on academics, behavior, and social-emotional well-being to ensure every student has the opportunity to succeed.
We are pleased to announce that the Antelope Valley Transit Authority's (AVTA) Go Pass program is now available to all students served by the Antelope Valley Union High School District! This initiative grants free access to all Antelope Valley Transit Authority and Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority (LACMTA) bus routes.
Are you an educator that wants to make an impact in students’ lives? Do you believe that every student should have the opportunity for success? Antelope Valley Union High School Union District is the place for you! AVUHSD is looking for certificated and classified staff that are warm, outgoing, authentic, passionate and inspiring.