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Addressing the Board

Members of the public are encouraged to attend Board meetings and to address the Board concerning any item on the agenda or within the Board's jurisdiction. So as not to inhibit public participation, persons attending Board meetings will not be requested to sign-in, complete a questionnaire, or otherwise provide their name or other information as a condition of attending the meeting.

Addressing the Board

There are different ways individuals may choose to address the Board. Those who wish to request an agenda item may do so by submitting the request in writing, along with supporting documents and information, to the Superintendent at least eight school days prior to a scheduled meeting date. Those wishing to address items on the regular and PINCO agenda may do so when recognized by the Board President near the beginning of the meeting or when the President requests public comments when the Item is being considered. For matters not on the agenda, there is an opportunity for individuals to address the Board when the Board President requests comments from the public near the beginning of the meeting. The Board shall not take action on such items at that meeting.

In order to conduct district business in an orderly and efficient manner, the Board requires that public presentations to the Board comply with Board Bylaws BB 9323 (b).