Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check my students' grades and attendance?
Simply log in to PowerSchool through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Watch a tutorial video here.
Can I join or enter my student(s) Google Classroom?
No. An AVHSD Google account is required to access your student's Google Classrooms. However, you can request an automated weekly or daily email summary of your student's activity in Classroom, including missing or upcoming work as well as announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers. To do so, email your student's teacher and ask them to enter your email address in the guardian summary for Google Classroom. Click here for a video tutorial.
How can I contact my student's teacher?
The best way to find contact information for your student's teacher is to log in to PowerSchool, and click on the teacher's name listed under the student's course schedule. You can also find email addresses for teachers, administrators, counselors and other staff by visiting each school's website (you can find links to all the schools here). Hover over the About tab and click on the Contact us link.
Where can my student access digital textbooks?
Log in to PowerSchool, and find the Digital Texts and Resources link on the left hand side. All of your student's textbooks as well as several other digital resources will be listed there. Watch a tutorial video here.
My student needs help with her homework, but I don't feel like I can help her. Is there tutoring available?
Yes. Your student has access to live tutors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Log in to PowerSchool, and find the Digital Texts and Resources link on the left hand side. Click on that link, and scroll down to find the Digital Resources section. Find the Princeton Review Homework Help button to access the Homework Help service.
My student logs in to PowerSchool, but does not see the Digital Textbooks Resources link?
Your student is logging into PowerSchool using your parent credentials and not their student credentials. Students must use their own credentials to access the digital resources.